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Meet Bobblehead George

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The Bobblehead George Crew:  Mr. Gimbi, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Raymond

The Bobblehead George Crew is...

David A. Raymond

 Michael Graham &

Eric Gimbi, Jr.

  The crew of Bobblehead George are not just colleagues, but good friends.  All three are middle school teachers and work closely together on a daily basis.  Mr. Raymond, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Gimbi have a love for teaching, a gift for telling really bad puns,  and a unique chemistry that is evident in all that they do.

The team is dedicated to providing unique, accurate, and entertaining educational content for life long learners of ALL ages.    

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David A. Raymond

David A. Raymond

Husband // Father // Son // Grandfather // Brother // Friend // Teacher


 Since 1995, I have taught American History to 8th graders in York County, Pennsylvania.   Bobblehead George has given me the opportunity to enjoy my passion of teaching history in new and unique ways.  Along the way, I have made many new friends, collaborated with amazing organizations, and have visited places that I never thought possible.  

When I'm not teaching history I'm incredibly passionate about spending time with my family, riding my bike, and spending time in the great outdoors.

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Eric Gimbi, Jr.

Eric Gimbi, Jr.

Husband // Son // Brother // Coach // Teacher

I have been a full-time 8th-grade American History teacher in York County, Pennsylvania since 2019. Teaching history is my dream job, and I am lucky enough to get to do it in my home district with some of my best friends. Bobblehead George has allowed me to continue my love of history and opened doors that I never imagined would be possible. 


Besides history, I try to spend as much time as possible with my amazing wife and enjoy playing guitar, grappling, and coaching.

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Michael Graham

Mike Graham

I have been an 8th grade teacher at Northeastern Middle School since 2008 and have taught physical science since 2013. I'm fortunate to share my love of science with my community. 

When I'm not teaching I spend time with my wife and son. We love camping, watching movies, and traveling. I personally enjoy skiing, restoring my antique car, and playing music. 

I hope you find our videos informative and a little entertaining. 

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